Tech Corner - 31. January 2022

Exploring the Latest Dev News

Hello readers! Just as we do every month, we've pulled together a selection of articles from the world of web tech that we here at HOTOVO think are worth sharing… Discover the new features in DevTools, get some useful tips for native image lazy-loading, find out about the new hooks in React 18, learn how to integrate React Query, and a whole lot more.

Happy reading!

Exploring React 18’s new hooks

Recently, React 18 entered beta status and stabilized its new features. Concurrent rendering has been the most discussed and anticipated of the new features, and several new APIs have been shipped that allow users to make full use of React’s concurrent rendering capabilities. Advanced React users will enjoy learning more about these new hooks in this article.

What are the new goodies in developer tools?

Over the last months, a lot of new features have landed into the various browsers’ DevTools. Ranging from productivity improvements to entirely new panels, they’ve been continuing to close the parity gap and improving our web development experiences. Check out what’s new in Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox.

Native browser image lazy-loading

Have you ever built image-heavy websites? If yes, at some point you will have had to search for some sort of library to delay loading images outside of the viewport. However, this feature is now supported natively by major browsers – you need just to specify the single attribute called “loading” in order to benefit! Find out more in this article.

How to integrate React Query

React Query is a library that makes fetching, caching and managing data easier, so you don’t have to handle different states manually (loading, error, etc.) and keep the synchronized state in your components. It allows sharing of the same API calls between components, and much more. Find out all of React Query’s features in this useful post.

Detox framework for mobile apps – React Native end-to-end testing tools

On the web, it’s standard to create end-to-end tests using frameworks such as Cypress, Playwright or old good Selenium. However, in the world of mobile apps it’s used much less due to complex setups. Enter the Detox framework to the rescue – for both React Native and the native apps. Have a read to find out more. 

about the author

Jozef Radonak

blog author
I am at the forefront of Hotovo's web technology stream, striving to stay up to date with the latest web technologies and trends, and always willing to help others master this ever-evolving industry. Outside of the world of web technology, I am an avid hiker and devoted coffee lover. I take great pleasure in seeking out new coffee shops and trying different coffee blends. I am all about innovation, whether in technology or in my cup of coffee!
blog author