Tech Corner - 31. May 2021

With the right build tool, the work goes smoothly

Comparing next gen build tools

Implementation of the support for native JS modules in all browsers and Node.js opened the door to a new generation of the build tools. The article discuss the multiple modern build system with a focus on support for React and compares their abilities.

Overview of React state management libraries

The article summarizes the possibilities of state processing in React using built-in utilities and external libraries. It compares libraries and provides advantages and disadvantages of individual solutions from classic ones like Redux to modern alternatives like Recoil or Xstate.

Improve font loading strategy

Web fonts interfere with the performance of rendering content for the user. There are several strategies how to mitigate, but each has its costs or side effects. Learn more and see what new features will help next time.

Typescript 4.3

Another minor version of the Typescript has been released, which brings some pleasant improvements. One of them is the ability to type getters and setters separately. Another nice improvement is to override the keyword for the class method, which instructs the compiler that the method intends to override the inherited method. If such a method is missing for some reason, such as refactoring, an error occurs. Read the release notes to learn more.

Top 10 podcasts for web devs

This is a list of the top 10 podcasts that are worth listening to for front-end developers. Each of these podcasts is described to highlight the topics it covers.

Apple tracking changes

With the release of iOS 14.5, Apple enables App Tracking Transparency. This change requires that applications request permissions to track users. If the user logs out, they will not be able to collect this data. This affects all applications, even those created in React Native or other frameworks.

June knocks on the door and we are already collecting other useful articles for you. Stay tuned 🙂

about the author

Jozef Radonak

blog author
I am at the forefront of Hotovo's web technology stream, striving to stay up to date with the latest web technologies and trends, and always willing to help others master this ever-evolving industry. Outside of the world of web technology, I am an avid hiker and devoted coffee lover. I take great pleasure in seeking out new coffee shops and trying different coffee blends. I am all about innovation, whether in technology or in my cup of coffee!
blog author