Tech Corner - 30. April 2022

The latest web-tech news: beta releases, new functions and handy tips… 

Hello readers!

Just as we do every month, we've pulled together a selection of articles from the world of web tech that we at HOTOVO think are worth sharing…

Discover what's new in the TypeScript 4.7 beta release, get some valuable insight on the new Next.js middleware, find out if your knowledge of Node.js timers scheduling is up to date, learn how to detect dead code in a project, and more.

Happy reading!

TypeScript 4.7 Beta is ready

The next minor version of TypeScript is ready in beta version, and this blog post provides a handy overview of the upcoming features. The primary focus is on supporting ECMAScript modules in Node.js and related features. However, the TypeScript team has also continued improving the control flow analysis with the addition of narrowing for computed properties and function inference in objects. For an advanced user, it will be possible to define variance annotations for type parameters.

Difference between process.nextTick, and setImmediate methods

What callback will run first in Node.js? One that is set with the process.nextTick, or with the setImmediate method? The names alone can be confusing, but this article explains the difference between the two, and also comes in handy as a refresher on the behavior of the JavaScript event loop and its scheduling.

How to detect dead code in a project?

Every project grows over time, and with multiple refactors, it’s inevitable that it will reach the state of having unused code. Check this article to find out how to quickly detect unused variables, function parameters, and even exports, and clean up your project.

Understanding the Next.js middlewares

The recent version of Next.js introduced middlewares as a new beta feature. If you are familiar with the Node.js Express framework, you might expect them to work in the same way as the middlewares in that framework. However, in Next.js they are designed to run on the Edge handlers. See this post to understand everything about this new feature.

Using path aliases with React Native

Are you tired of the long relative paths of the imports in your React Native projects? Then check out this blog post to find out how best to set up path aliases and enjoy tidy imports.

about the author

Jozef Radonak

blog author
I am at the forefront of Hotovo's web technology stream, striving to stay up to date with the latest web technologies and trends, and always willing to help others master this ever-evolving industry. Outside of the world of web technology, I am an avid hiker and devoted coffee lover. I take great pleasure in seeking out new coffee shops and trying different coffee blends. I am all about innovation, whether in technology or in my cup of coffee!
blog author