Tech Corner - 31. July 2022

Top web tech tips for your summer reading

Hello readers!

Just as we do every month, we've pulled together a selection of articles from the world of web tech that we at HOTOVO think are worth sharing…

Discover what's new in Node.js multithreading, get some valuable insight into testing the frontend, find out if you should use a better library for rendering React lists, learn how to use images without layout shifts, and much more.

Happy reading!

How to use images in web apps without layout shift

In this article, Jake Archibald discusses the best methods for reserving space for images in the web app layout to prevent layout shifts. Which approach is better – the classic usage of width and height attributes, or the modern aspect-ratio CSS property? Read the article to find out!

Tips on how to render huge lists in React

React is a pretty performant framework, but when it comes to enormous data sets, you’ll sooner or later hit its limits. To avoid the issues this can bring, you can use basic techniques such as pagination and infinite scrolling, or try advanced techniques such as windowing and rendering just a portion of the data sets. To learn more, check out this blog post.

Organizing tests for the frontend

Testing frontend applications is hard. To succeed requires not only well-managed tests, but also a good strategy on how to split the testing between unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. To learn more on this topic, see the linked article.

The ultimate list of CSS code generators

Do you need to create an advanced CSS grid layout, or maybe a fancy gradient? There’s no need to reinvent the wheel – instead, use the existing visual tools available. In this blog post, you’ll find a huge and handy list of all the best CSS tools and code generators for web development.

Multithreading in Node.js

This article introduces the various options for working with multiple threads in Node.js. Learn more on how to create concurrent child processes and experimental worker threads.

Managing the full stack monorepo

Do you know the “performant” node package manager – pnpm? It’s basically an npm and Yarn alternative on steroids: it’s not only faster, but it also saves disk space and is great for managing multipackage monorepos. Check out this blog post to learn more about it.

about the author

Jozef Radonak

blog author
I am at the forefront of Hotovo's web technology stream, striving to stay up to date with the latest web technologies and trends, and always willing to help others master this ever-evolving industry. Outside of the world of web technology, I am an avid hiker and devoted coffee lover. I take great pleasure in seeking out new coffee shops and trying different coffee blends. I am all about innovation, whether in technology or in my cup of coffee!
blog author